Sunday, May 25, 2008

Whitehead, A.N. Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead recorded by Lucien Price 1954

5: We were religious but with that moderation natural to people who take their religion in Greek

8: married the Irish, Evelyn Wada

"Harvards lectures on the damnable errors of the church of Rome"

57: I can generally tell where old Jowett is is making a fool of himself; which is about every other sentence

81: Tests are applying the stomach pump [W.James]

89: There is no tolerance, unless there is something to tolerate; and that in practice is likely to mean something that most people would find intolerable

90: The only justification of the use of force is to reduce the amount of force necessary

91: Foreign policy has been run by a Tory group who wanted peace in order to keep their havings

174: I consider Christian theology to be one of the great disasters of the human race. [W's father was a comfortably situated parson]

204: As luck would have it, Providence was on my side [S.Butler. Erewhon]

250: Cooking is one those arts which most requires to be done by people of a religious nature" ["A good cook cooks to the glory of God" ‑ Mrs. W]

255: "The emphasis of John Dewey is on security"

256: My parents represented their religion to us chiefly as a means of keeping order ‑ order in the family, and order in society. But that is something quite different from religious conviction

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