Sunday, May 25, 2008


vii. Science ceases to be competent whenever a proposition is such as to have no quantitative bearing

2 Theology…was long ago proposed as a science by Augustine and Aquinas.

3 What is gravity? What is electricity? What is magnetism?

10. Purposiveness – this chief characteristic of life processes

10 Contrary to the claim that DNA is the secret of life, life remains the secret of DNA

10 What is the “now” which is the very center of consciousness?

11 Every bit of knowledge begins with the registering of something that exists.

15 There is no common boundary between two numbers

16 Newton’s theory of gravitation is like Maxwell’s theory of electro-magnetism: it is Newton’s system of equations

37 [the dictionary game]

41 Whitehead on Darwinists who devote their lives to the purpose of proving that there is no purpose. [Function of reason 1929 p. 12]

43 The infinite is only a facon de parler [Gauss to H. Schuhmacher 12 July 1831]

76/35 Galileo’s free fall acceleration and uniformly restricted ascent &c were commonplace in Parisian scholasticism

82 The proofs of math are not proofs: they are identity relations.

85 Aristotle’s categories are 10, of which only quantity is simple.

86. The human mind can cope with fuzziness; computers cannot.

88. The similarities between me and my father are different [Y. Berra]

90. “What is wrong with logical positivism? Almost everything.” [AJ Ayer]

93 The philosophers spread darkness by claiming that all is physics.

94 The NYTIMES: this notorious promoter of very superficial consensus with very transparent objectives

95 “… the Victorians, the ones who took Darwin’s books for scientific proof that they could do anything provided that the consensus of society was not offended”.

96 metabasis eis allo genos

98 Man began to philosophize by being amazed at things as they are

101 Subatomic theories are based on inference

104 There are no proofs in science, there are only identity propositions

110. Platonism just does not work. [Plato’s symposia included a good deal of wine sipping on comfortable couches, the forerunner of academic chairs]

132 The invalidity of the law of causality [Heisenberg]

133 Physics notes sequences, not causes

135 What cannot be measured exactly, cannot take place exactly [Heisenberg]

149+ on Weinberg

170 “Mathematics: the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true… “physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little: it is only its mathematical properties that we can discover [Russell]

194 Viscount Norwich: only two religions: Roman Catholicism and the others which don’t matter.

220 The truths of science demand experimental verification.

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