Sunday, May 25, 2008


13: Kant: “I am God” [Opus postumum]

43 The universe was what the universe had to be: a most specific totality of all things, that because they were things, could only be specific

45 “The making something shapely out of shapelessness” [Gamow. Creation of the universe 2d prtg vii]

48 the proton-antiproton imbalance, & the quark-antiquark imbalance

55 The specificity of the universe, which is an evidence of its reality, is also evidence of its contingency, namely that it is but one of many possible universes

92 the obscurantist interpretations of science arising from pantheism and the necessity of the universe to be what it is

95 the aesthetic argument which is solipsistic

106 the exclusivity claims of science are butterfly nets trying to capture angels

109 the quest for an ultimate self-explanatory theory

168 “Questions of terminology are never important” [Popper. Open universe p.7]

192 The role of the moon in leading to life on earth – slowing down the rotation to 24 hours, development of the magnetic field, tidal effects

194 Difference of the view of the heavens from the Northern & Southern hemispheres

216 Judaism, Islam, Protestantism fail in science for misunderstanding the Creator

218 There is no observable state, however primordial, about which physics could establish that it had to be preceded by that very nothing

220 Every word represents a class or group

269 How can we be certain that a final theory is final?

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