Saturday, May 24, 2008

Korngold, Ralph. Thaddeus Stevens 1955

Full of excellent information on the shenanigans and vacillations of the generation which might be called that of the grandchildren of the founders. Stevens was born with a clubfoot. He was greatly anti‑Masonic. He could be called that side of the people for which the Revolution was fought, and which was in a sense betrayed by the founders with the Constitution.

x: "In whatever directions we look" wrote Henry Adams "we can see no possibility of converting history into a science without bringing it into conflict toward one or more of the most powerful organizations of the era"

17: Being threatened with a fine for displaying contempt of court, TS apologized: "I was trying my best to conceal it".

18: offering his wig to a lady who requested a lock of hair

52: 1837 Penna Constitutional Convention: negroes lost the right to vote

97: Lincoln: "Much as I hate slavery, I would consent to any extension of it rather than see the Union dissolved"

112: TS: "Mr. President, I told you that I did not think that Mr. Cameron would steal a red‑hot stove. I take that back"

140: A long interesting discussion of the machinations of bankers to make legal tender payable in gold

142: The condition of free negroes throughout the country in the 1850s: (Jim Crow)

144: Lincoln (in the Douglas debates) was against citizenship for negroes (and much other material on the subject)

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