Saturday, May 24, 2008

Waugh, Evelyn. The Life of ... Ronald Knox 1959

Waugh was Knox's literary executor, and promised to write the biography. It's a good job, as it could not fail to be, given Waugh's ability. It misses fire because Waugh had become too shy of his own religious feelings. Interesting for the Upper Class English part of the Church.

31: the children made no friends and caught no infectious diseases

54: the haphazard and almost wilfull heterogeneity of the Church

60: intelligentzya

207: good letter of GKC to RK on the verge of his conversion

218: It's a good thing to accustom them to being cursed about money, since this will happen to them all the rest of their lives [RK's advice to his successor as priest to undergraduates]

226: RK's influence on the students, felt not then but many years later

227: a debilitating rancour that sprang from fear rather than from any generous indignation

232: the Victorian educative age, now a bifurcation of frivolity and brutality

237: [the emphasis on sins against purity ‑ against the seductive vulgarity of freudianism?]

300+: on the reluctance of the English heirarchy to adopt RK's translation of the New Testament. [Waugh does not understand the problems of bishops]

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