Saturday, May 24, 2008


Waugh's homage to Campion [1540‑1581]. Simple to read and quite full of passion. Gives as much of his life and work as one needs to know, including examples of his excellent prose. The violence of the attack on Campion expresses fully that which Belloc marked as "the personal hatred" which has attacked the Church since its foundation. Thus ever, cowards in the face of bravery.

Waugh has written a good short convincing interesting biography. As a novelist, he recognizes the difference between fiction and life. He is not shackled, as a scholar too easily is, by the inability to distinguish between the significant and insignificant in a man's life. This is the kind of adult's book which makes for good reading for children. They may not understand the subtleties of theological disputation; this is no block to them. They will easily understand a man standing up for himself. And under such threats. And the sadness of those who were made even the more aware of their own time‑serving. Campion is a good, and an easily understood, model. For those interested in fame, four centuries after his death, we admire him; we pity his persecutors. He is such as gives the sassiness of youth a good name.

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