Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ackerknecht, Erwin H. Rudolf Virchow 1953

v: the unit of life is the cell

6: In reactionary Germany, medicine had lost itself in the jungles of romantic speculation or the deserts of naked empiricism

11: In 1846, Virchow destroyed Rolitansky's theory of cells formed from amorphous material [blastema]

22: omnis cellula a cellula

27: V coined "Kulturkampf"

49: the assumption which since Locke, Condillac & Cabanis has guided so many medical scientists: that sense impressions are the primary elements of mental life

51: "within the limits of science there is no faith ... If these limits are respected, faith can have real objects. It is therefore not the task of science to attack the objects of faith. It should only mark the limits which can be reached by human understanding"

52: Human consciousness is scientifically incomprehensible. V was a realist not a materialist.

55: for Marx, historical materialism was not a system, only a method

58: V insisted on localism: "A substance, even when absorbed into the bloodstream, is pathologically irrelevant as long as it does not affect an organ"

59: individualizing treatment

73: Schwann's disproof of spontaneous generation

140: medical instruction does not exist to provide individuals with an opportunity to make a living

146: on the importance of the history of medicine

167: The fanatics of keeping quiet are always simultaneously the fanatics of Mammon [G.Struve]

168: The hope to obtain liberal government from the elderly Wilhelm I was one of the amazing illusions that characterize the history of German liberalism [in 1906, 600,000 Social Democrat votes won 6 seats; 418,000 Conservative won 212

169: the tactfulness of Liberals ["Don't push"] led to the triumph of Bismarck

184: Having conquered Parliament, Bismarck turned to attack the church. V applauded.

186: V regretted his applause

200: Darwinism is a hypothesis without direct evidence

202: One should not ask the schools to teach Darwinism or Haeckelism which are hypothetical: "I can salute and support a scientific hypothesis before it is proven by facts. But I cannot become its partisan as long as scientific proof is lacking"

206: The inheritance of acquired characteristics is a logical necessity for the Darwinian hypothesis

209: Germans are generally short, dark‑haired, and flat‑headed

214: 32% of German school children in 1876 (6,760,000) were blond: of whom 12% were Jewish

228: Applied anthropology: construction of school benches

242: An age in which doctors were less specialized, less affluent, and more liberal

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