Saturday, May 24, 2008

Baring, Maurice. The Puppet Show of Memory 1922

Not a book to be commented upon, but rather read. There is much matter in it, from the style of life of the English aristocracy and landed rich to his experiences in Paris, Russia, Manchuria. Unlike, say, Frederic Hamilton, Baring mind's broke free of the insulated life.

18: praising Mrs. Heman's poem: "Oh call my brother back to me"

19: Transubstantiation seemed to me the most natural thing in the world, as it always does to children

70: Play is played for fun, but games are serious

‑‑: MB pronounced yellow "yaller", aunt "ant"

‑‑: the narrow imagination of the headmaster

‑‑: 3 acres & a cow is Joseph Chamberlain's

90: Boys can acquire a mechanical facility for doing Latin verse of a kind, with the help of a gradus, without knowing what either the English or the Latin is about

98: sublimely strict

101: I had no religious instruction at school during all my school‑time, for which I have always been profoundly grateful

130: a officer's life is ein glaenzender Elend

132: Und wie so teuer der Kaffee, und wie so rar das Geld [Heine]

137: I was just at that point in life (20) when one can digest anything in the way of books, and the sweeter it is, the better

142: Everyone, said Vernon Lee, should write a novel once, so as never to want to do it again

172: We were all discovering things for each other

190: [In Paris] In the matter of penmanship, he was passion's slave

‑‑‑: typewriting: one reaches a certain degree of speed and inacurracy

204: In Copehagen. Interesting on Benckendorff

239+: Sarah Bernhardt, as Hamlet, Rostand

250: Brewster's THE PRISON as worth reading

252: Managers & players still try to make Shakespeare realistic, & too often succeed in burying his plays with scenery, business, & acting

284: Manchuria, a land where the rain brought no freshness & the trees offered no shade

292: War is to man what motherhood is to a woman ‑ a burden, a source of untold suffering, and yet a glory

293: A cat seemed to have set aside a space for its private use

332: on H.H. Munro (Saki)

334: There was a smell of poor people, without which, someone said, a church is not a church

357: Material prosperity increased [when order was restored after the 1905 revolution]. It led only to moral stagnation

377: I am sure there is no country in the world where the people give so readily to the poor as in Russia.

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