Saturday, May 24, 2008

Baring, Maurice. Maurice Baring Restored. Ed. Paul Horgan 1970

30: Arnold Bennett on CAT'S CRADLE: "Its curious fault is that it reads as if it really happened".

30: "Dieu, que la vie est quotidienne!" (Laforgue)

31: that Baring checked out the facts of his novels (R. Knox)

32: "The frequent combination of the socialist & the snob" (MB to Vernon Lee)

41: [in C]: "What can it matter what church one goes to? if one thinks it necessary to go to church?"

"Catholics think it does matter" said Beatrice.

"Yes, but Protestants don't" said C. "That's the beauty of being a Protestant".

"Yes, but although they don't mind anything else, they do mind Catholics" said Beatrice.

120: We are none of us infallible, even the youngest of us.

133: Sargent's pictures were like a first night in Paris, with Sarah Bernhardt playing a new part. [George Moore]

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