Saturday, May 24, 2008

Baring, Maurice Have You Anything to Declare? 1937

Baring, Maurice Have You Anything to Declare? 1937

121: Il faut être remarquablement bête pour être trop bête pour un homme.

127: Malheur au vague! Mieux vaut le faux! [Renan]

127: "I regretted not being a Protestant so that I could continue to be a philosopher without ceasing to be a Christian. Then I realized that it was only Catholics who were logical"

144: In vain may heroes fight and patriots rave

If secret gold creeps on from knave to knave [Pope]

144: A brain of feathers & a heart of lead [Pope]

166: He is stupid as are all heartless men. Because thoughts do not come from the head, but from the heart. [Heine]

167: Il faut payer par la tristesse, par la desolation, l'orgueil d'avoir pensé [A. France]

177: No doctrine is defined until it is violated [Newman]

179: Der hohe Sinn des Papsts: er sieht das Kleine, klein; das Grosse, gross. [Goethe]

197: La religion est la vaccine de l'imagination; elle la preserve de toutes les croyances dangereuses et absurdes [Napoleon]

197: Un quart de savante, qui n'a point de base pour sa morale et point d'idée fixe. [Napoleon]

254: Galileo harps on how things happen, when his adversaries had a complete theory as to why things happen [A.N. Whitehead]

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