Sunday, May 25, 2008

Brogan, D.W. The American Character 1944

11: the seaboard were outposts of the old world rather than capitals of the new

12: Marietta = Marie Antoinette; Terre Haute = Akron

44: birth control: race suicide [TR]

53: you can refuse a man love, play, money. But if he wants a fight, you've got to oblige him [Mr. Dooley]

121: Charles II on the preacher: "his nonsense suits their nonsense"

132: the never ending audacity of elected persons [Walt Whitman]

140: When we're finished with the English language, it will look as though it's been run over by a musical comedy" [Mr. Dooley]

148: What the American woman suffers from is too much poor‑quality attention

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